What is visual field loss and how is it treated?
Answer: Visual field loss is a reduction in the area you can see. Treatment may include vision therapy, specialized lenses, and strategies to maximize your remaining vision.
Answer: Visual field loss is a reduction in the area you can see. Treatment may include vision therapy, specialized lenses, and strategies to maximize your remaining vision.
Answer: Yes, Neuro-Optometry can help manage visual triggers associated with migraines. By addressing visual stress and improving eye coordination, we can often reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
Answer: Common symptoms include blurred vision, double vision, difficulty focusing, eye strain, headaches, and visual field loss. If you experience any of these, it’s important to seek professional advice.
Answer: Neuro-Optometry focuses on how vision is integrated with the brain and body. It addresses visual problems that arise from neurological conditions, helping improve visual function and overall quality of life.
Answer: Neuro-Optometry focuses on how vision is integrated with the brain and body. It addresses visual problems that arise from neurological conditions, helping improve visual function and overall quality of life.
Lenses for AMD. Prism controlled lenses with a high base and tinted yellow to help with AMD https://e-scoop.com/en/eyecare-professional/ Escoop
Eye movements in patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders: a systematic review https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-016-1284-4
Understanding Individual Variations Additional Considerations Treatments for Visual Stress: If you’re experiencing visual stress, consulting a neuro-optometrist for a comprehensive evaluation can help determine if a high AC/A ratio is the cause and establish an appropriate treatment plan.
Here’s a breakdown of Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS), including potential causes, symptoms, and management options: What is Visual Snow Syndrome? Potential Causes (Not fully understood): Impact on Quality of Life Diagnosis Management (No Cure Yet) Ongoing Research Research on VSS is intensifying, offering hope for improved understanding, diagnosis, and future treatment options. Mild Brain Trauma […]